You don’t see many monks walking around grooving to loud music. You don’t see many monks with boomboxes on their shoulders. I stopped listening to my radio yesterday. It’s busy at the post office…frenetic. My Jeep Cherokee is piled with … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
In the pack I run with, I am known for being a magnificently coordinated man. Actually, that’s not completely true. If I was known for any attribute pertaining to my motor skills, I probably am more known for being “functionally … Continue reading
I’ve heard that Hell is a lake of fire….a place of endless torment and gnashing of teeth, wailing…terror and pain. We ate at Taco Bell yesterday…and it got me thinking about what Hell might also be. What if Hell was … Continue reading
My daughter, Sparrow, is just a little over a week old now. Sparrow laughs in her sleep sometimes. Big smile and then a little baby laugh. I wondered about that the other day. A week into a life, you don’t … Continue reading
They are sticking it to us at the PO these days. They are sticking it to us in the best sense of the word. We are going through our paces big time during the early part of this Christmas season. … Continue reading
I have a lot of old vinyl records stored on shelves in the basement. I don’t play them anymore…I may when all the children are grown, I’m not really sure, though. I used to try and play them when my … Continue reading
Sometimes when a radio wasn’t working right, you could kind of rap it on something and get a signal to come in for a while. You could rap it, and you might get a snippet of news or some … Continue reading
I am Judas. I’m the guy who sits and waits for the rooster to stop crowing, knowing all the while what it might mean. I don’t think there is a day that goes by where I don’t betray or disappoint … Continue reading
I stopped running about a month or two ago. Just stopped. Cold Turkey. It was something about it getting cold, or having a cold, or having other obligations… Maybe it was something about getting ready to have another baby…I don’t … Continue reading
If we could develop the same laser-like focus in pursuing our goals that this new baby, Sparrow, has managed in only four days of being with us, imagine how successful we could be. We could rule the world if we … Continue reading