How do you suppose it would feel to be flying high off the success of one of your most popular albums ever…an album released during the singer songwriter renaissance of the early 1970’s…and then be told by your record company that they’d lost the follow-up album that probably would have pushed you over into even greater artistic and commercial triumph?
I don’t know how that would have felt. It’s really kind of hard to say unless you’d lived it yourself.
That’s what happened to Eric Andersen back in the early years of the 70’s.
He’d released Blue River…the album that featured this song as the title track…had great success with it only to be told that the followup album had been lost.
My introduction to him was the album that he recorded and released in the mid 70’s…an album called Be True to You…that contained much of the lost album that he re-recorded after the original album was reported lost.
The lost album was finally found and released in 1991 and titled Stages: the Lost Album.
This guy is one of the great folk singers of the 60’s and 70’s…worth checking out both for his music and for the story of a great potential derailed by record company error.