Here are 6 out of a million …ways to say it. Happy Valentines Day! … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013 Another frackin’ article…it’s just too darn interesting. Zipping around in google, I find a lot of articles about fracking. It’s a pretty divisive technology. Some people just hate it…think (probably justifiably so) that it has a lot of potential … Continue reading I’ve been writing some of my recent blog posts about the process of fracking…drilling down and then across to extract oil or natural gas from deposits deep in the earth. This post, I thought I’d write about the chemicals … Continue reading
Here’s a link to a video about what is possible within the Postal system….. We talk about 5 day delivery…we talk about closing this or that plant down…but when it comes down to it, I think the only thing … Continue reading
still from the movie Gasland: A film by Josh Fox (it looks from the picture above that once you punch through the water table that you’re home free) A couple of days ago, I wrote a … Continue reading
Unless forbidden to do so by Congress, which has moved in the past to prohibit five-day-a-week delivery, the agency for the first time will delivery (sic) mail only Monday through Friday. The move will save about $2 billion a … Continue reading
This summer we took a long family road trip out to Idaho. My cousin warned us that we “didn’t want to have to stop in the Dakotas…you probably won’t be able to find a motel room because of all the … Continue reading
Yesterday we got the official news that the Post Office would be going to a 5 day delivery week in August. This was after a pretty long period of rumors and waiting…wondering if the USPS would ever get the … Continue reading
It is way too early in the morning. I’m going to drink a lot of coffee, read some news I don’t need to know on the internet, and write my morning blog post. I’m going to drink a lot of … Continue reading
I have had a real problem liking John Mayer for a while. I hope you noticed that I didn’t say that I had a problem liking his music. I never had a problem with his music…always thought that he was … Continue reading