OK….here’s the deal.
I’m 55 years old and I haven’t run for a while….but if I worked up to it, I still believe that I could do this.
I believe that I can do it….but I’m delusional in a lot of areas.
Maybe…I could run to work.
I could do this…..enjoying myself, picking all the low hanging fruit.
But….what am I going to do when I get to work?
I deliver the mail.
I use a mail Jeep to do it.
If I showed up at work in my running shoes and little nylon shorts, I would be useless to the USPS.
I’d be tired at that point….I couldn’t run to deliver the mail.
(Maybe I could run to deliver the mail….maybe I could be stronger than I think. I shouldn’t sell myself short…after all, my route is only 71.25 miles long.)
I couldn’t carry all the mail that I have to deliver.
Some of the packages are pretty big.
Unless I pulled a rickshaw, I don’t know how I could carry it all.
Besides, we have something called “percent to plan”… and running….no matter how much I improved in my strength and speed….wouldn’t get me close to what the Postal System demands.
A man can’t run that fast.
So….that’s the reason I don’t run to work.
Other than the demands of my job….and being a man who is getting older and who probably never had much of a mighty running mojo, anyway….I would be so far into running to work.
If I could.
(Man….it’s really good that I need my Mail Jeep. It’s nice to have these “rock solid excuses” to protect me from having to live up to my aspirations.)
Other than that, I’d be running already.
I’d need to get an early start on the day to make it to Saluda by 7:30.