I spilled my corn nuts the other day rounding a curve….trying to get to the next mailbox on a really heavy Monday.
That’s rough.
I love those corn nuts.
Love them.
Of course, love is too strong a word.
I do have a strong affection for them.
It’s my morning treat right now, and when I’m feeling a little hypoglycemic, it feels good to get some picante corn nuts in my belly.
So when I spill them, it’s a big deal.
Now I have a bunch of corn nuts on the floor of the Mail Jeep to remind me of my loss.
“My Loss”.
It’s funny how I can hype a non-event into something tragic.
Corn nuts don’t even rank in the big picture.
What’s the big deal about losing some corn nuts?
It’s nothing.
I wonder how many other things I should just gloss over and let pass like so many clouds on a windy day?
Man, though….I love those corn nuts.
What a loss.