anything is possible….even with KIDS!!! (Why is THAT?)

This is what our life looks like.

No, really….our life looks like this….fashionable.

No, not really.

I was just kidding.

We have our own style.

We tried out the simple life because we wanted to “try tiny”.

Tiny is so fashionable.

Tiny is cute.

I think that when you take it as far in one direction as you can go….when you’re as rich as Midas….it’s fun to reverse direction and try “tiny”.

Awwwww, who am I kidding?

This is kind of cool.

I guess that it’s kind of cool.

This reminds me of the one time I went to Santa Barbara.

I ate at a Japanese restaurant with my friends and these hipsters came in with their child.

I think that the child was about two or so….and probably had a black beret and was dressed all in black.

He was color coördinated with his parents….who were dressed all in black, too.

They were cool.

They looked HIP.

Midway through their meal, he projectile vomited all over the tatami mats.

I remember thinking, “that’s not so cool”.

These people remind me of those people.

I guess that it takes all kinds of people in the world….to make the world go around.

This didn’t teach me anything about traveling with kids.


About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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