A van is cool….but LOOK AT THIS!!
Flying around in an AREOPLANE!!
How cool would that be?
I’ll work towards a fun mobile that stays on the ground.
We know about staying on the ground….I don’t know how to fly a plane.
And….how do you fit 6 people into a plane like this?
I don’t believe that you could do it.
And, if you could, I think that spilled juice boxes would short out the electronics.
You can’t fly if you fry your rig.
This is pretty intense to be able to see all of this trip from the sky.
Again….the constant….Idaho.
How hard could it be to travel and keep my job?
Pretty hard, I think.
I can’t even easily take the time off to get my Jeep in to get it serviced.
I better push for that before my rig gets fried.
Even on the ground, it’s a drag to fry your rig.
You have to be kind to the donkey that bears you.
Here’s something funny about this video and then I’ll go.
He stops in Atlanta….Idaho about 13 minutes in.
How funny would it be to be able to say that we were moving to Atlanta….and then explain why we couldn’t meet anyone at the mall or Ikea?
That would be HILARIOUS!!