It’s a pretty safe bet that a Dylan Magaster video is going to be a good one.
How’s that for a blanket recommendation?
You can’t say that about everything on YouTube.
Here’s one about a van owner up in British Columbia.
It’s a good one….realistic about the hardships of van life….and fun at the same time.
How do people find the time and the money to do all these things?
Wellllllllll…..I think that it’s probably the “acres of diamonds” concept. I wonder “how can I do this” while I’m sitting on a thing that could be sold….while I’m pondering how hard a miracle is when I have abilities that I could market….while I dream about adventure and then worry about what would happen if I got caught in eclipse traffic on the big day of totality. Worry doesn’t get me anywhere except stuck where I am.
On the other hand, worry keeps me on track to some degree.
Worry keeps a roof over our heads.
Awwwww….worry is a big black hole of suckage.
Worry doesn’t do a thing except burn a hole in my stomach.
My friend used to say, “Do something….even if it’s wrong.”
That was good advice.
How about a cabin in Idaho?
Anything is possible….even if you worry too much.