“Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them”

I’m re-reading Roger Welsch’s book, “Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them”.

I don’t have a tractor yet….so I can’t say that I love them….but it’s a good book to read even if you don’t know a lot about tractors.

He’s a funny guy who came at tractors with a very minimal mechanical aptitude….beginner’s mind.

I think that he’s written four books about tractors.

I need a tractor.

There’s something beautiful about resurrecting an old piece of farm machinery.

It’s a good thing to bring something back.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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