I Know a Star…

I brought our Great Pyrenees, Appa, his food this morning and stood out with him for a while…visiting and looking at the sky.

It’s Christmas Day….and the sky is full of stars.

We don’t live in a place without light.

Our neighbor leaves his light on all the time.

But…even with all the light on the ground…the stars were bright.

There was a special star in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born.

I don’t know which star in the sky was the special star.

There are a lot of stars.

“Not knowing” lets me suppose, though, that maybe the special star shines on me, too…and reminds me of what happened in Bethlehem….in a common place…in a manger.

This is the morning of Christmas Day.

I know a star.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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