My Jeep started running funny the other day. It was idling kind of different…surging….running a little bit hotter than usual. It wasn’t anything really profound. It was still running…had good power…started right up when I got ready to go again. … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
I’m in the process of buying some more life insurance. I woke up this morning and thought, “man…they sure do ask a lot of personal questions when they are getting ready to sell you a policy…” They ask a lot … Continue reading
My son is getting ready to take and pass his driving test. When he passes his test, he will get his driver’s license. That’s amazing and terrifying. My children are getting mighty independent. Last night, we went out to do … Continue reading
I was listening to one of my audio books yesterday and I realized that I am what is called a “hungry ghost“. In the Wikipedia link, it’s a pretty repulsive thing to be a hungry ghost….so maybe I should clarify … Continue reading
I have a little sister…we’re both adults now (or at least old enough to be considered adults)…so I have always been the “big brother”. It’s something I’ve always been. It’s something I’ll always be. You can’t change birth order. But … Continue reading
Turn the volume down on this video (the music is kind of obnoxious for such a peaceful place) and you can see where we were a little over a year ago. Last summer, we took an epic road trip up … Continue reading
Woke this morning to the sound of thunder….how far off? I laid there and wondered. Just kidding…paraphrasing Bob Seger. It’s never too early to paraphrase Bob Seger. ( Did you ever get a chance to notice what a good writer … Continue reading
I did a post a couple of weeks ago called “…down by the river“. It was about living out of a van….YouTube video of a guy who was down on his luck and living out of his van…pontificating about all … Continue reading
It’s been raining hard here off and on for a couple of weeks. Our driveway is gravel. Our road was gravel when we first moved here. Most of the driveways in our area are gravel. All this rain gives me … Continue reading
There’s a Christian band that I love who were active in the 70’s and 80’s called the 2nd Chapter of Acts. It was one of those “wore out the grooves” situations…back in the day when that statement made sense. Now … Continue reading