Our oldest child turns 19 today. I remember when we had her….after a big tiring day and night at the hospital in Asheville. (Saying “we had her” is like saying that the Dr. “delivered her”…..I seem to remember that Jenny … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Man….I used to eat this stuff up when I was younger…back in the day…. How many little kids were running around in the 1970’s “snatching a pebble from my hand” and practicing their high kicks because of David Carradine? I … Continue reading
One of the Junaids’ followers came to him with a purse containing five hundred gold pieces. “Have you any more money than this?” asked the Sufi “Yes, I have.” “Do you desire more?” “Yes, I do.” … Continue reading
What the freaking heck? Dangit. Dangit, dangit, dangit. I just spent an hour of my early morning looking for that graphic of the young dude turning into the old dude so that I could write a blog about how much … Continue reading
One row of boxes on the mail route runs along a shallow ditch. We had a heavy rain the night before, so the ditch was full of water…and when I pulled over to deliver the mail, I noticed two ducks … Continue reading
Our little baby, Sparrow, has one tooth now. She has one tooth that is razor-sharp. That’s kind of a funny design….razor-sharp teeth in a little baby’s mouth. It’s a true test of love…a faith walk…to take care of a baby’s … Continue reading
I’m always driving these days. It’s what I do…drive the mail around…drive these pieces of paper with numbers and letters all over them and bring them to people who might want them. It is what I do. It’s what allows … Continue reading
I bought a satellite radio system…Sirius…to listen to while I deliver the mail. I started out listening to the news…NPR, etc….but now I listen to a channel called “Soul Town” almost exclusively. I guess I’d rather funk stuff up than … Continue reading
All of our children are in the house now. Zoe is home from college…so when I hear a door open early in the morning, and the sound of padding feet, I can never be sure that it was Nate getting up … Continue reading
I told Jenny on our way into town yesterday that sometimes I feel like I want to just keep driving. Sometimes I feel like I want to gas it up and just go. I just want to get somewhere….get somewhere “away”. … Continue reading