I wear a helmet when I ride my bike.
I encourage my children to wear a helmet when they ride their bikes.
I lock my doors at night.
I wear my seatbelt when I drive my car.
I do the things that “they” say I should do to be safe.
It’s funny how malleable I am….and how scared.
This is a video explaining the reasons that we think that we need to wear helmets….and why the speaker thinks that we probably don’t need them.
We rode on the Swamp Rabbit Trail the other day….and almost everyone had helmets on.
We ride….we wear helmets.
That’s the way we roll.
Jenny said, “did you notice that the European people didn’t wear helmets?”
It seemed like the people we saw without helmets on all had foreign accents.
I don’t know what that says….
Maybe a foreign accent keeps you safe?
I’ve been fortunate to only have had a couple of bike wrecks in my life…..and they were all when I was younger….before I started wearing a helmet.
To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t suffer any brain injuries during or after those couple of accidents.
To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t suffer any brain injuries during or after those couple of accidents.
To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t suffer any brain injuries during or after those couple of accidents.
That’s not funny.
I don’t know….I’ll still wear a helmet….and I’ll have the kids wear helmets, too….Jenny, too.
It’s Jenny’s decision to wear a helmet, though….I don’t mean that I’ll “have her wear a helmet”…..it’s not like that.
I don’t get away with saying things like “YOU WILL WEAR A HELMET, WOMAN!!!”
I can’t do that.
This guy raises some good points, though.
How’d we get so scared of everything?