Doug Tompkins….co-founder of the North Face company….died in a kayaking accident on Tuesday in Chile.
He was with his friends, Yvon Chouinard and Rick Ridgeway…..Lorenzo Alvarez….when his boat capsized in heavy winds on Lago General Carrera, on the Chilean-Argentine border.
He was a climber….and a businessman….and a lover of the outdoors who used his money to protect and save a large segment of land in Chile….creating a nature sanctuary and park.
There are so many ways to use your money.
You can buy a really nice watch.
You can buy a bigger mansion.
You could even run for President.
Or….you could develop an interest in the environment…and do what you can to protect it.
Doug Tompkins.
March 20, 1943 – December 8.2015
What a legacy.
Here’s a good article in Bloomberg about Doug Tompkins…