We live out in the country and I wave at the oncoming cars.
That’s a pretty weird thing if you’re from out-of-town, but I think that most people, even if they aren’t used to it, kind of get a kick out of it.
Most folks wave back.
Most folks wave back when they get used to me, in my white mail Jeep, waving at them.
It’s never a very active wave.
I’m not trying to flag them down….I’m just saying “hello”.
I’m just saying, “I’m in this world and so are you! Howdy!”cd
Maybe it’s just a habit and I’m not really saying anything.
Maybe I’m just waving?
Anyway, today, a couple of people didn’t wave, and I wondered what was up with them.
I thought, “they must be from out of town….”.
And then I thought, “Man….most of these people wave….but the ones I seem to pay attention to are the ones who aren’t waving. Those are the ones that I wonder about….”
And then I realized that most folks do wave.
Most folks wave.
I don’t know what is going to happen in the future.
I know that sometimes bad things happen to me and to my family….but that’s kind of unusual.
Usually we’re blessed beyond understanding…or belief.
Sometimes the things that we latch onto, though, are the things that happen that are bad….or sad….or hard to understand.
But…..most times, the things that happen to us are pretty good.
I can’t spend any energy wondering why something bad happened….or why someone I didn’t know neglected to wave.
Most everything that happens is good.
Most folks wave.