I’m learning a new route in a new place that I’m unfamiliar with.
Now, after a week of driving this new route, I’m more familiar with the places and faces that brought me worry before, and it’s all coming together.
It’s funny how bound up I can get when I’m struggling to get to familiar.
I fear the new.
That’s weird….”I fear the new”.
I fear it….but I hunger for it.
I need new….but it makes me nervous when I’m trying to figure out addresses when the bulk of the mailboxes seem to be either unmarked….or….marked badly.
Maybe “new” without responsibility is a little easier to take.
Wacky stuff.
This new route is rural and right in town.
Saluda is a unique place….you can go a couple of hundred yards outside of Main Street and feel like you’re in the middle of nowhere.
It can feel pretty darn rural pretty darn quick.
That’s kind of fun when you start to get used to it.
I am a survivor.
That’s good to remember.
Starting to figure out how to do this new route helps me remember that.
Maybe surviving the things we fear is all that really lets us grow?
“lesson in survival” Joni Mitchell