The Ruby Muir Story….trail runner….New Zealand!

From the YouTube description:

Ruby Muir is one of New Zealand’s most promising young trail runners. At just 21 she had won the Kepler, Tarawera Ultra and nearly every other event she’d entered. This is the story of how she discovered running, what drove her to it and how it has helped her heal. This film was shot in one day at Eskdale Mountain Bike Park near her home in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.

This video is from 2013.

Jenny told me that they needed farm workers and people with practical skills to emigrate to New Zealand.

How about that?

It’s nice here….it’s nice there….but what an adventure that would be.

Awwwww….it would be an adventure to move to Idaho, too.

Why….it would even be an adventure to drill a well on the other NC property we own.

New Zealand would be a “big adventure”.

I don’t think that I could run as fast as Ruby Muir….wherever I ended up.

Maybe I need some of those shoes where you could tell I had 5 toes?

Maybe another thing would help me run fast?

New Zealand looks amazing.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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