SKILL! VISION! and…ENTHUSIASM!! Funky Pacific Northwest buildings!

Look what these guys have done!


Funky little buildings with living roofs…lots of custom woodwork…vision and skill in the Pacific Northwest!

It brings me great energy to see this kind of vision.

I could do this if I don’t age out of the ability to expend the kind of energy a big project would need…

One thing at a time…but…there always has to be at least ONE THING AT A TIME!

You don’t get to “one thing at a time” by watching TV all the time.

You don’t get to “accomplishment” by only entertaining yourself every minute of the day.

All play and no work makes Jack a….what?

A lazy underachiever?

Awwwww….I like these funky buildings!

And…check out the camper cover the dude built on the old Ford truck!


Here’s a link to more from “Cabinland” on YouTube….

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