

So….here’s the recent order of events: Go to the doctor after work to find out what the weird groinal popups are….find out they’re my new hernia that I got earlier in the day loading a heavy box into the back of the Jeep…then…the following Saturday, in the early stages of my injury, buy some books about trail running at the used book sale/store.

That’s what I call “wishful”.

Now, I’m waiting to find out when I can have surgery to fix the bulge and things can get back to normal.

And, when I’m waiting for things to get back to normal, I can read about running.

That should be a motivator.

Does anybody talk about being an “armchair runner”?

That’s what I’ll be….for a while.

Here’s a video made 2 weeks before the beginning of the quarantine.

A long run and a dinner with friends looks fun.

Pandemic hernia?


No fun, either one.

I’ll take the run, any day.


wishful — 2 Comments

  1. I’m not sure how this happened, but I stumbled across your blog while searching out poetry. I enjoyed it so I followed it- introspection and insight are beautiful traits in a human being. And now I see you’re kind of famous on YouTube 🙂 thank you for sharing your video- what a beautiful place.

    • Thanks for that! I wish that it was me…running in that beautiful place…but I was just sharing someone else’s “pre-Covid” video. I run in a beautiful place, too…just a different place. Take care…and thanks for the comment.