Who? The HU. What? No….the HU. Ahhhhh, that joke could go on forever…and never loses its appeal. I heard an interview with these Mongolian rockers the other day….through an interpreter…on the radio. Who saw the HU coming? Not me. Mongolian? … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
I’m not sure why…but…”leaving” and “living out my dreams” sounds kind of appealing. What a weirdo I am to have thoughts like that. Of course, there’s a lot of that kind of thinking going around. I got a letter from … Continue reading
Damascus Road…the Razors Edge…. Man..I love a story about a change of heart…a story about the moment when a life turns from hedonistic self-direction to a life of service. Now….I’m selfish. I live for my family. But…how energizing would it … Continue reading
You need time to do something like this. I’m realizing that as I go to work early and get home late. You need time. And…you need energy. I realize that…as I go to bed late and get up early…always tired…always … Continue reading
Awwwwwww. Man. Light the stove, cook something good….go for a hike…cook something good…go to bed. This life looks good. And…it’s typical. My typical day looks different than this. Usually, I: Wake up too early….drink too much coffee…go to work….work at … Continue reading
Heard this today…. Man. What a bunch of delicate and ferociously powerful guitar playing. This guy was so good. This is what genius looks like…. … Continue reading
I love these Playing for Change videos. I think that if you’re doing music “right”, then you’re playing from a place different than just your head. Musicians can make a connection because they play from their spirit. That’s beautiful. Here’s … Continue reading
love is more thicker than forget more thinner than recall more seldom than a wave is wet more frequent than to fail it is most mad and moonly and less it shall unbe than all the sea which only is … Continue reading
We went to watch Frozen 2 for Sparrow’s birthday…and this was one of the trailers we watched while we waited for her movie to start. Something to look forward to at the theater! This is a great story….and this looks … Continue reading
In our country, the house would be trashed…vandalized…torn up just because it could be…torn up. Cool place…big job. Bringing a place back is exciting. We have a place that needs to be “brought back”….that I’ve “sat on” for 5 years. … Continue reading