Silence-The Deconstruction of Faith


That’s what this review is all about….SPOILERS!

I wanted to watch this movie (“Silence”)  when it came out….but it slipped by and we haven’t seen it yet.

Maybe it’s that I wanted to watch it when I thought that I wouldn’t fall asleep after we put the kids to bed and finally had a small chunk of “grown up time”.

I need to watch this.

This video is a total spoiler….but…doesn’t spoil the movie.

I need to get some rest and stay up one of these evenings….and watch Martin Scorcese’s movie, “Silence”.

“Pray…but…pray with your eyes open…”


David Holt interviews Rhiannon Giddens

One of my son, Isaac’s, true champions is friends with David Holt.

She wants Isaac to meet him…. and to get into playing bluegrass and folk fiddle.

I don’t think that Isaac wants to play fiddle.

He wants to buy a synthesizer.

Oh, well.

Music is music, I suppose.

Here’s an interview with Rhiannnon Giddens….formerly of the Carolina Chocolate Drops.

Knowing all that musical history…and bringing some of it back to life…or keeping it alive… is vitally important.

Isaac still should meet David Holt.

That would be cool.

I Love Bread.

This is a documentary about wheat.


Some folks don’t like wheat.

I guess that it might not be good for you.

I like wheat…even if this guy says that it’s not good for me.

I like a piece of Jenny’s homemade bread….with some good butter!

It doesn’t get much better than that!


Don’t get me started on beer.

“Wheat Belly” is the book.

Dr. Davis talks about the damage that GMO wheat causes.

There may be a lot of truth to what he says.

I still like bread.


Tom’s Typewriters

I watched some of this documentary the other day….”California Typewriter” from Gravitas Ventures.

Who knew that Tom Hanks loved typewriters so much?

Not me.

When everything is Twittered and Instagram-ed….there’s something to be said for a piece of paper covered in black letters that were hammered onto the page.

Real stuff is in short supply these days.

I can see why these guys are into typewriters.

Couple Living Off Grid Deep in The Forest…


Looking a lot like Northern Idaho…..

Here’s a young couple getting a homestead together….good stuff.

“Off the grid” is sounding better and better these days.

It might be really smart to have a place that was self sufficient the way things are going.

But….who’s really “self sufficient”?

We need each other, right?


Makes me wonder if I shouldn’t head on up to Idaho sometime soon…..

“Mentally Ill”? Nahhhhhhh…..

A Fox News guest called this young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, a “mentally ill Swedish child” the other day


She’s not mentally ill.

Sane…impassioned…and,maybe probably, justifiably terrified…but…not mentally ill.

In some circles, it’s not popular to believe that the climate is at a dangerous and new tipping point.

I’m impressionable.

I believe that something pretty bad is beginning to show its effects.

Who wants to watch something go down that we probably can’t change?

Who wants to try against those odds?

Why not bury our heads in the sand and buy another SUV?

This young lady isn’t mentally ill.

That’s sad.