The Weight….Song Around The World…How Cool is That?

Song Around the World….from “Playing For Change”!

How cool is that?

And check out “local boy” Marcus King at the beginning of this video!

This is an interesting concept…all these international musicians…playing a great song….together.

It’s a small world….and we all relate…if we have a common interest.

And…we all have something in common, really.

This is great…


Image result for 2002 neon camshaft seal


I’m working on Isaac’s Neon….out in the driveway….cool and dry day.

That’s the time to be doing gravel driveway mechanic…ing…when it’s cool and dry.

I get everything back together…to a point…and then…I read the repair manual.


That’s what the manual said.


When I looked at the seal, I could see that installing it before the cam had buggered it up some.


Of course, I am at a point now where it’s awkward to pull the cam and get the buggered up seal back out….reinstall the cam and put a new seal in.

But…awkward is a state that I thrive in…so…that’s what I’ll do.

No sense getting the stuff back together and having all the oil blow out in a 100 miles.

I need to try and do this close to right if I’m going to get that Neon out of the driveway.

Figuring out what to do after I’ve done it wrong isn’t the order of events I should consistently pursue.

Freaking little rubber circle.


It can All Blow Up….Little Parts make Big Problems

Jenny wants me to use my day off to work on the Neon that’s broken in our driveway.

I have to rebuild the head after the timing belt broke and bent all the valves…then figure out how to put it back together.


I’d rather do anything than try to figure this stuff out.


Even work at the Post Office.

Of course, I can do it.

I can.

But…this video is so true.

A little part…a small mistake…an ignorant omission…could make it all come crashing down….seize up….shred at first start-up.


I am going to work on the Neon this morning and throughout the day.

I thought the day was going to be fun.


Canadian Off-Grid House…Self-Built in a Remote Location

Here’s a nice house up in Canada…remote and off-grid.

The owner said that he spent about 65,000 Canadian (about 49,000 US) to buy the land and build the house.

That’s a good return on your investment, I’d say.

This is a remote location that you have to hike or use a 4-wheeler to get into.

All of the materials were carried in with 4-wheelers and small trailers, so it wasn’t easy to build this place….but the end result is really nice.

Isn’t it funny how we measure value?

I think that this fellow looks pretty rich to me.

“Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them”

I’m re-reading Roger Welsch’s book, “Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them”.

I don’t have a tractor yet….so I can’t say that I love them….but it’s a good book to read even if you don’t know a lot about tractors.

He’s a funny guy who came at tractors with a very minimal mechanical aptitude….beginner’s mind.

I think that he’s written four books about tractors.

I need a tractor.

There’s something beautiful about resurrecting an old piece of farm machinery.

It’s a good thing to bring something back.

Wild Figs and Pit Bulls..

Image result for wild fig

I ate two wild figs today….out on the mail route.

That’s a good day, for sure.

I also found out that the guy who owns the pit bull that terrorizes me when I try to deliver packages to his porch is complaining that I don’t want to deliver there anymore.

That’s pretty crappy.

Who wants to get torn to shreds by an aggressive dog like a pit?

Not me.

Delivering the mail is a mixed bag.

I wish that it was all wild figs….and no mean dogs.

That would be nicer.

Maybe I need to buy some bear spray and a taser….teach these dogs some respect?

And…when I finish with the dogs…maybe the owners could use a lesson, too?

Nah…that doesn’t sound right.

Maybe I should just let everybody maim me?

That’s why I’m here.