A Hat Like Mine. (Seasick Steve….1973 Ford Air Filter Box)

Now….this is music!

On a homemade guitar, too!

And….Seasick Steve has a hat just like mine….but it’s newer.

It looks like he just bought his.

It looks like he’s copying me.

Who saw that coming?

Not me.

He needs to get some grease on his hat to catch up to me.

Good stuff!

Thanks, Seasick Steve!

Glad you liked my hat!


Isaac and I are tearing the Neon down to where we can replace the head and do the timing belt.


I told him that what we were doing (tearing it apart) was the easy part of the job.

Putting it back together is the hard part.

We’ll get it….it’s just a pain in the rear.

This guy just works his way through each step.

It’s kind of like delivering mail….you just take it a box at a time and at some point you finish and get to go home.

I’m anxious to not be messing with these stupid cars.


Day in the Life of a Japanese Ramen Chef….


I need to get out more…..like, maybe, to Japan?

Check this dude out….making some great ramen for his customers…. in Japan.

When you do something, do it with heart…love….soul.

There isn’t enough time in a lifetime to miss trying to attain excellence in something.


If you’re going to do it….do it with vigor.

Live while you’re alive.

I want to eat a bowl of this dude’s ramen!

It looks so much better than the stuff I pay 15ยข a packet for.

This world is a big and amazing place.

Good for the world!

Good for ME!!

small cabin….start to finish

Forty minutes?

That’s the fast way to do it.

I was telling Jenny that from the time I was 15 or so, all I wanted to do was build a little cabin and live out in the woods somewhere.

Funny how that goes, that…..

When the vision stays consistent for that many years, it must be an itch that needs to be scratched.

These guys did a good job….and I liked their “truck”!

Building with green lumber, too.

If you have a job to do….just get it done.

Just do it.

That’s my slogan for the day.

Just do it.


“The Need to Connect” by Norwegian Bushcraft

These are good and….slow….videos.

How did we get in such a hurry?

Life will only accelerate….frogs in the steadily increasingly hot water….not noticing until it’s too late.

That sounds kind of grim.



That stands for “what the heck”, right?

Anyway….a strong connection to our natural world is a good thing….a necessary thing.

Let’s get out in the woods!

What a plan!