Yellow Jackets!! Attack!!

I mowed over a big yellow jacket nest yesterday.

I don’t think it was as big as this one…but it was underground, so you can never tell.

I started running when the first one stung me.

When I thought that I was far enough away from the nest and the abandoned mower, I stopped running and realized that I was covered in yellow jackets….and that they were still stinging me.

It was like I was wearing a yellow jacket sweater.

No….that’s hype.

There were a bunch on me….but I wasn’t coated.

Isaac started swatting me with a road sign that he found in the old garage over at the “property” (what we call the Barber Rd. house)…and I beat off the rest with my hands.

Aggressive little SOB’s, for sure.

I’m all “swolled up” right now.

That’s what happens when I get stung.

Those rat bastards hide in the ground….and come boiling up to the surface when you mow over them.

What else in nature do I need to be afraid of?

What else is out to get me?

Only time will tell.

hard times in a bus…


Party time in a bus that was never made to carry so many people so far.

And….not designed to be run without proper maintenance.


My buses always turned a simple trip into an adventure.

Maybe that’s what makes adventure?

Maybe a lack of planning and a vehicle that breaks down is what makes it all seem scary and fresh?

That’s adventure!

same old car….

She changes the oil every thousand miles.


I change my oil every 4,000 miles or so….maybe 6,000 sometimes.

My car isn’t even a quarter as cool as this one, though.

She couldn’t deliver mail in her car.

What’s so great about her car?

She can’t even deliver mail in her car!

Big deal, lady.

Can’t even deliver mail?!


good pop music….floating in my head…

I don’t know if I mean “good music” when I say “good pop music”.

Maybe there’s a difference?

I’m not sure.

This song was floating to the surface this morning while I was driving the mail around.

When was the last time I thought about this one?

Maybe that’s what makes good pop music?

That it floats to the surface every now and then….even if you haven’t heard it played anywhere for years and years.

Maybe this one will be like that 40 years from now?

I’ll be an old man by then….

Stupid, Stinking Romance?!!

I’ve owned 3 different VW buses.

So…. what?!!

So what.

There is a lot of romance in these old buses….but…I don’t know if I’d buy one to drive around the world.

I think that I’d buy something domestic….like an old Econoline.

I want something that I can get parts for.

I want something that any mechanic (even me) can work on.

I want a vehicle that is common.

But….these old buses are cool.

I wish that I’d kept every single one that I’d bought before I couldn’t afford one.

Who knows enough to hold onto “cool” when they have it?

Who has the space to store “cool” forever?

Not me.

It’s a lot of work to be cool and drive a cool ride.

big kid bike

Image result for big kid bike

Sparrow was watching some weird cartoon and she mentioned that one of the characters was riding a “big kid bike”.


Do you remember how huge a transition it was to move up from the little wheeled and baby-styled bike to a “big kid bike”?

What it meant that (maybe) you were on your way to adulthood or at least a marginal example of what it might mean to be approaching “big kid” status?

That was a gigantic deal to be on a big kid bike.

You can stay young forever if you listen to these little guys closely enough.

You have the magic secret to immortality if you are reminded often enough that these little guys hold the key to knowing what it means to move up in the world.

When you stop changing, you start to die.

Keep changing.

Keep moving up to the “big kid bike”.