The thing about great moments in history is that by the time they become “great moments in history”, the people involved have become almost super human….able to leap tall buildings, etc. I’m listening to a book called Quiet by Susan … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
When I was going to school in Atlanta, we used to take our sketch pads to one of the parks downtown to draw. We were stationary entities, sitting ducks for every curious homeless person who wanted to panhandle us or … Continue reading
I grew up in a Lutheran household…so most news of the Catholic church didn’t go much farther than remembering that Martin Luther put some nail holes in their door. Yesterday, they chose a new Pope. Usually, I’d greet the news … Continue reading
Somewhere, someone in this country will be eating a nicely grilled chicken breast or a well prepared veal cutlet and will say to their dinner companions, “Did you read that horrible article about Ted Nugent slaughtering all those nice wild … Continue reading
There’s something to be said for unity. There’s something to be said for the madness of crowds. I’m sure there’s something to be said about a lot of things….but what is up with this Harlem Shake stuff? The guys at … Continue reading
image from I think that we’re desperate for authenticity in our lives. There is so much that we are surrounded by that doesn’t have any lasting importance. Why should it? It doesn’t drive the wheels of commerce to have … Continue reading
This is a picture of my Grandfather’s garage in Montana…way back when. My father used to like to tell the same simple stories…over and over. It wasn’t like he was on an endless loop…constantly repeating himself daily. It’s just that … Continue reading
There’s a story on the MSN homepage this morning about a homeless guy who returned a diamond engagement ring to the lady who dropped it into his cup by accident. He returned the ring to her, she set up a … Continue reading
….and went sliding into “I don’t care”. Learning, learning, learning….all the time learning. I can’t help it….I’m always learning something. Most of the time, I’m learning the same thing over and over…something about retention. What was I saying? Just kidding…I … Continue reading
Monetize. It sounds like something a superhero would say, like “flame on” or….or….what’s another superhero–ee thing to say? “LET’S MONEYTIZE!!!” When I started writing this blog, I read some things about “monetizing your blog”… “make money with your blog”…..”get the … Continue reading