another river

I couldn’t get any of the David Wilcox videos to play on YouTube this morning.

There was blockage.

Maybe it was the universe telling me to “lighten up”….I was going to use a song of his that talked about spirituality and the church….and our relationship to God….and to each other…and….

And….maybe it’s better that I couldn’t make it work.

Sometimes I need some kind of intervention. I’ll force it all if I have to….make something that may not be right in the moment work if I want it to.

I will force the universe’s hand if I think I can get away with it.

Anyway, the heavy and deep videos wouldn’t work….so I decided to use a lighter video.

Just kidding.

This is one of the most beautiful and heavy songs that I know.

And this is a beautiful interpretation.

One guitar….and one good voice….some class….what a great version.

Sometimes I reach for some kind of understanding….that doesn’t completely come…ever.

So I dance around deepness….all the vocabulary and posturing that I think might get me somewhere….trying to understand….working too hard at figuring something out.

But when I stop and just let all the simple things just “be”….I think that I get a lot closer to understanding things.

Maybe it’s not “what you know”….it’s what people “think you know” that matters. Maybe that’s what gets you through.

Knocking on an open door forever doesn’t get you into the next room.

This song, “River”…how many times have I listened to this song?

How often have I supported my own melancholy with this song?

Hard to say….but it’s not hard to say that it’s a great song….and one of my favorites.

I don’t know Liz Longley’s music.

Until I couldn’t get David Wilcox’s videos to play, I’d never heard of her.

Hooray for technology problems.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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