The Ringer

ringer poster

I mentioned that I bought a used Sirius radio early in the year….and sprung for a years subscription….so I listen to a lot of different programming.

This old Todd Rundgren song came on a couple of weeks ago….and while I was enjoying it again….I remembered a scene in a movie that I enjoyed….and I was off on another tangent.

Where’s the linearity? Where’s the focus? Where will my head take me next?

Anyway…’s the song…..

“we gotta get you a woman” Todd Rundgren

That’s a great early Rundgren song.

The movie that it reminded me of is a film called “The Ringer” that Johnny Knoxville was in.

I’ve shown it to people and have forgotten that it had a few “nasty” parts before I said, “You have to watch this movie with me!!” and then couldn’t back up while the movie was playing…..I just had to ride the rough patches out while my captive audience wondered about my judgement.

I wonder if most of the movies that I really respond to are mostly ones that make people question my judgement? I hope not….

Luckily, the general tone of the movie is sweet enough that I could get away with it.

I don’t think anyone that I showed it to enjoyed it as much as I did, though.

Here’s the trailer….I think it gives a pretty good idea of the plot of the movie…

This was a sweet movie. You’d have to watch it to understand why I think that….

I did a “review” of a movie called “Norbit” a while back….and “The Ringer” falls into that category for me.

It’s a movie that I encourage people to watch….that I thought was really funny and strange and good….that most folks don’t seem to enjoy as much as I did.

I thought “The Ringer” was really funny….and good-hearted.

Good for you, Johnny Knoxville….good movie.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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