I’ve been listening to “Walden” on my drive-a-round lately. Man. What a great book. I’d read it before…but must have read it in the “this is an important book…..I should finish this one….I’m supposed to learn from this one…I better … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: September 2015
How about this guy? Magnus Walker….doing what he loves….figuring it all out as he goes along. Now, what’s the difference between how he lives his life and how most of us live our lives? Not much, really….not so different. Except….he … Continue reading
I was never an Arianna Grande fan. I like David Wilcox….Martin Sexton….Bonnie Raitt….Willy Porter….Joni Mitchell. I don’t know about Arianna Grande. Who’s that? One of the “young ones”? But….check out this video! It’s pretty hilarious. So….now, I’m an Arianna Grande … Continue reading
“Never believe a prediction that does not empower you.” Oh, man. This guy is so great. Giving a TedTalk at Ironwood State Prison. How different would things be if more people got a chance to listen to positive people like … Continue reading
Ah. I have too much time on my hands in the morning. That’s a real luxury….to have “too much time”. Actually, I don’t have too much time. I have a limited window of quiet before everyone else (the little ones … Continue reading
I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 because the advertisement said that it was great….and that it was free. Sometimes, I wonder if I’d let someone light me on fire if they said that it was free for a … Continue reading
Man. I don’t have the energy tonight to write my daily blog post. I almost didn’t have the energy to find a YouTube video about somebody doing something hard out in the woods….something that would spark a short post. Even … Continue reading
If you never “go”…..because you might break down or something might happen that would mess up your plans….you miss out on so much. How many of these videos end with the vehicle breaking down? “Some of them”. “Some of them” … Continue reading
Nate and I got into it last night. That will wear you out when that happens at the end of the day….but I guess it makes sense that it would happen at the end of the day….when we were both already … Continue reading
What an interesting show. There’s a bunch of them on YouTube….so if you like this one, you can watch some more. It looks like he’s been to a lot of rugged places. We watched a different show last night….one about … Continue reading