I once mentioned to a friend that what I liked about climbing was the lifestyle. I think that he thought that was kind of funny. I drop “honesty bombs” every once and a while….most of the time without thinking about … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Doug Tompkins….co-founder of the North Face company….died in a kayaking accident on Tuesday in Chile. He was with his friends, Yvon Chouinard and Rick Ridgeway…..Lorenzo Alvarez….when his boat capsized in heavy winds on Lago General Carrera, on the Chilean-Argentine border. He was … Continue reading
I hope that my children trust that I love them. I was thinking about that on the mail route….thinking about “conditions”….thinking about all the reasons that parents become estranged from their children….or present a face to their children that makes … Continue reading
Our chimney is leaking. It’s not raining now, but when it’s raining, it leaks some. That’s a drag….when I’m home and it’s light outside and I’m thinking about the problem, it’s raining and too wet to get up on the … Continue reading
OK….here’s the thing about my life: I help Nate get to sleep….and part of that is that after we’ve said our prayers, I usually (always) fall asleep with him. Then, I wake up an hour or two later…so that I … Continue reading
Sparrow starts the night in her little bed….and, often, sometime during the night, pads over and crawls into bed with us. Her bed is in our room….so the walk for her isn’t long. Most nights I hear her laughing in … Continue reading
My youngest son went to a superhero themed birthday party today and he was the only one wearing a mask. The invitation said to come as your “best alter-ego”…but when we pulled up with a mask and cape, no one … Continue reading
I woke up early this morning….thinking that I hadn’t thanked my son for making some good chili. That wasn’t my first thought….but it was the thought that I eventually rested on. Then, I started thinking about time. Chili was easier … Continue reading
Knowing all the sounds my Mail Jeep makes doesn’t get me any closer to knowing the reasons for the sounds. Sometimes, I turn down the radio just to listen to a new sound. Lately, it’s been kind of a metallic … Continue reading
Driving the mail Jeep around in the rain, loaded to the top/gills with packages, loaded so tall and so full that there was barely enough room left for me to wedge myself behind the wheel and drive away from the … Continue reading