I watched part of a surfing documentary this morning while the rest of my family slept.
Sometimes (most times), I wake up pretty early in the morning, and this morning, I watched a movie about surfing.
In the movie, the guys were out beyond the reef, and the narrator was talking about how he had to go a little bit further to find something out of the ordinary.
Of course, it’s not a real leap to think of Ken Kesey and the Further bus.
That doesn’t take a lot of creativity to think about that.
Just a restless mind.
I was thinking that it’s not much of a journey to go the extra step to something new.
No, maybe that’s wrong.
The journey can be huge…but stepping off towards a new destination is a short trip.
A short trip.
“Funny strange….”
I don’t know what’s out there, really.
This far into the game, and I still don’t really know what’s out there.
Every day, I get in the Jeep and set out for the same circuit, different cargo, but, somehow, always the same cargo, letters and packages, messages to and from.
I don’t know if my Jeep is going to make it…but it does….usually.
Always the same.
Maybe a dog tries to bite me somedays….but it’s usually the same.
It’s only different if I work at seeing what’s new.
Maybe the real trick to all this living is figuring out that getting what you really want is only a few steps away from settling for what you think you deserve?
It’s only a matter of turning a few degrees so that you can see what could be.
It’s just a few steps….
That sounds too easy.
It’s pretty easy, isn’t it?