pushing north….

Ahhhhhhhh…..the dude can cook.

Check out the opening sequence of this video….and let your mouth water a bit.

That’s a cool thing….to be able to cook something like that when you’re on the road.

Traveling around in a van looks like it might be fun…but anything looks like it might be fun when you’re traveling around looking for fun.

Fun is fun.

We travel around in a van with a couple of tired kids all the time…..we go where we can, maintaining a sense of cool everywhere we stop to PARTY (!!)….with those tired little kids.

You would think that having more “adults” (the quotation marks are for ME) in the car would make wrangling little ones easier….and it does…4 watching 2 is a good ratio…..but a Grand Caravan is never going to be a tricked out fun-mobile.

And….it’s hard to party when you’re tired.

But….the little guys are pretty resilient….and we are sensitive to their needs….so it all works out.

We don’t cook in our car.

Nate and I went up to camp on Sunday to see some old friends of mine…..and, when we got back, Jenny asked him if he wanted to go to camp, too.

He said, “I want to go camping….with my family.”

I better get on that.

I better get on board that adventure train.

And….we better cook something darn good like this guy does.

If this hipster can cook something that looks that good, why can’t I?


About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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