I just got it!
STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) becomes STEAM after you add an “A”….for ART.
This is one of my daughter’s buddies from school….one of the people that she worked with on the big sculpture that ended up in the middle of Times Square in NYC…..named Brent Skidmore.
I don’t know how I’ll ever get a tour of the STEAM studios up in the River Arts District again….I went with Zoe when she was working on the project….but, I’d like to see it sometime.
It’s a good place.
Here’s the description from the YouTube page:
UNC Asheville Ramsey Library Brown Bag Talk A lively conversation about the new STEAM studio at the River Arts Makers Place. Brent Skidmore, Professor of Art and Art History at UNC Asheville talks about the dreams in cross-disciplinary work and collaborations thus far in art and engineering and shows examples of the Creative Fabrication course taught as the STEAM studio came on line. Skidmore discusses the process of designing such a space, fundraising efforts and possible connections to an application in your life, studio, classroom or community where you can use some STEAM!
“Drinking from the firehose”!