Silent Movie (in Japanese)….”The Perfect Japanese Breakfast”

Can you tell what’s happening in this video?

I’m not sure that I completely understand….but…it’s making me hungry.

This is a great breakfast….but (again…”but”) I don’t usually take the time to mindfully prepare a beautiful morning feast.

Usually, it’s too much coffee and a quick bowl of cereal.

Then, in the harried afternoon, while I’m delivering the mail, I wolf down a banana and a peanut butter sandwich.

Every day the same….food to fill the belly, not to feed the soul.

How much more pleasant would it be to eat something like this?

What kind of world do these people live in?

I’d like to sit and eat when I felt calm.

I think that “calm” would be good for the digestion.

Fluffy’s Buses


Look at Fluffy’s (Gabriel Iglesias’) buses!

I don’t have that much money right now…but…what a fun way to spend it.

If you’re going to specialize, the Volkswagen bus is a cool and unusual choice.

It’s a lot more interesting than a garage full of Ferraris.

I had a 1967 bus sitting in our driveway in Marietta for years…

$200.00 and I can’t even remember how I got it home.

I might have driven it….I don’t remember, really.

The engine had a bunch of pieces of piston in the oil when I tore it down.

Too bad.

I might know how to fix it now….but I sold it for 400.00 when I had to clean up my projects a bunch of years later.

“Projects” work better on a farm than they do in the suburbs.

Fluffy has some nice buses.

That’s a fun choice.


Quang Tran!! ASMR!! Good Food!! Go, Man, Go!!

Quang Tran….chowing down.

If you don’t know about this guy…just wait for the chomping and slurping at the end of the video.

If it brings you a feeling of well being….or….just brings you a FEELING, then….maybe you understand what ASMR is all about.

Here’s a definition:

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia[2][3] and may overlap with frisson.

ASMR signifies the subjective experience of “low-grade euphoria” characterized by “a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin”. It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control.[1][4]

(from the Wikipedia page….)

This guy’s YouTube page has….(CHECK IT!!) ….1.5 million subscribers!!

That’s one point five MILLION…(1,500,000) SUBSCRIBERS!!

And…he deserves it.

So much fun….and….the slurping makes me feel so tingly and good all over!

I can’t stop watching….and learning how to cook good stuff from this guy!

Quang Tran!!

Check him out!

Push it IN….Pull it OUT

Check out this Russian dude working on a trashed Landcruiser!

What gets pushed in can be pulled out!

Who saw that coming?

This is interesting to get a look behind the curtain and to realize how these guys fix something like this….something that looks like it’s too messed up to repair.

If you have a welder and some hydraulics and some posts to attach your puller to…..and a bunch of experience and skill…you can fix this stuff.

Good job….

We Need the POWER!!

The summer before my senior year in High School, I worked on a crew up in Minnesota that did this.

Commonwealth Electric….

Man…..that was a while ago.

What a great experience.

This video is about bringing lines through a very remote and pristine part of Alaska.

I don’t know what I think about it.

I like power.

People need power.

You get power through these big lines.

That’s reality.

It seems like a shame that it has to go through these wilderness areas, though.

I’m not on the end that needs power, though, so it’s easy for me to adopt the “treehugger philisophy” and say something like that.

This is some heavy engineering to do something like this, for sure.

Somewhere, too, somebody is writing an environmentalist rant on a computer that is being powered by a line going through the wilderness.

That’s life.

Living in a house of logged wood….using the power that men like this brought to them…and complaining about how these guys are ruining “nature”.

Pretty ironic, huh?

“Will It Start?”

This is kind of unusual for this kind of video.

Most of the time, the machines don’t “go” for a while.

They usually don’t start so quickly.

This is a huge tractor for $700.00.

I love this type of video where people take something abandoned and resurrect it.

You can get things to go again with a little care most of the time.

Kind of like people, sometimes.

These guys are ready for anything, though.

Check out the bottle of ketchup on their dash.

Action… of action.

Norwegian Beatles Cover Band Plays “Norwegian Wood”

Last night, I looked to see if I could find a good Norwegian Beatles cover band.

You can find a bunch of cover bands playing “Norwegian Wood”….but you can’t find a Norwegian Beatles cover band.

You would think that with the highly developed and overt senses of humor that Norwegians are known for that you could find at least one Norwegian band playing a version of “Norwegian Wood”.

That’s a no-brainer.

That’s why I was looking for it all.

I pick the lowest hanging fruit these days.

I could find a bunch of faux Vikings playing death metal all day long….but I couldn’t find a Norwegian band playing Beatles songs to save my life.

My life.

Here’s a band doing a good version of “Norwegian Wood”.

They aren’t Norwegian.

Maybe I need to go to the dark web for something like that?

Iohan Bikepacking in Chile….Winter Bikepacking…Winter Road

I haven’t used one of Iohan’s videos for a while.

I’ve been here….but….look where he’s been!

Iohan Gueorguiev is a gentle spirit on a grand adventure….always good stuff.

This time, he’s in Chile, riding a fat bike through parts of the country in Winter.


Check out more of his adventures HERE (YouTube channel).