hoarse rooster

There’s a rooster outside our bathroom window this morning.

He’s there every morning, but this morning, he’s hoarse.

He gave a couple of feeble crows and then must have gotten tired or something, because he stopped trying.

That’s OK….I don’t need him to wake up at 5.

I can handle that on my own.

We mowed yesterday….here and over at “the property”.

Of course, every mower and big truck that I was involved with broke in some fashion…..pull cords, water filled float bowls….bad and neglected batteries.

But….in spite of all the breakdowns, we got a lot of work done.

I like it when I get something done.

It seems like a lot of days, I feel like I’m just wondering, “WHAT DO I DO NOW?!!” ….in some subdued and covertly frantic way.

Jenny says that I’m like Barney Fife….nervous.

I was a lot cooler when I didn’t really have any responsibilities.

I was cooler when I didn’t know anything about the world.

What a hoarse rooster I am ….now.

Trains in Paradise….

Check this guy out….in a perfect campsite….close enough to the tracks that he ended up listening to trains blowing their whistles all night long.


You just never know what’s going to happen when you’re out there in the world.

You could get eaten by a bear….or….you could listen to train whistles all night long.

You just never know.

Colorado on two wheels looks good….train whistle or not, it looks like a good place to ride a bike.

Shooting on a Sunday…..

Image result for shooting family redneck

The neighbors are shooting the heck out of the air this afternoon.

Actually, they’re shooting the heck out of the bank at the back of their field.

Shooting the HELL out of it.

How appropriate for a Sunday.

That’s sarcastic.

There’s nothing “appropriate” about all this shooting noise on a Sunday.

There’s nothing nice about it at all.

But…..that’s what we get for living in the country.

I guess.

There are “rules” out here.

You aren’t supposed to mow your lawn on a Sunday down here in the Bible Belt.

But….in the Bible Belt….apparently you can shoot the HELL out of the bank beside the house.

That’s what the Second Amendment guarantees……

Awwwww…..they’ll run out of bullets soon and we’ll have some peace and quiet.

That’ll be cool.

I need some peace now and then.


2 Days Back….

It’s pretty goofy.

2 days back after 2 days off….and…I’m back on a roll.

How’s that sound?

A commitment broken is a commitment renewed….and…it only took two days.


Here’s a video about Idaho.

Who could resist a video about Idaho?

I’m “here”.

“Here” is pretty great.

How great would it be to live in Northern Idaho?

Missing Two….

In 6 years of writing this blog, I believe that I’ve missed about 7 or so posts in all that time.

I try to write a post a day as some twisted expression of a sense of discipline.

I think that the real reason I do it is because if I don’t stay consistent, I’m too lazy to keep anything going for long.

Running is like that for me, too.

If I don’t do it everyday, I skip days for lame reasons.

I skipped two days (of writing the blog) in a row the past couple of days.

And….the world didn’t end.

Nobody even missed me.

What a revelation.

I did some truck repair the other day….replaced a caliper.

That’s why I skipped writing a blog post.

I tired myself out.

Whew. I was beat.

I can’t stop….or I’ll stop.

I have to keep going….even if I don’t have a destination in mind.

Blind obedience to a discipline is better than sacrificing momentum to laziness.

I have to keep stumbling through the storm.

Stumble on.


Alejandro Aranda.

Here’s an artist who made his way to what is really a pretty artificial “contest”…..where the performer who doesn’t really surprise (too much) is often the winner…..where our expectations are met….but not often exceeded.

What a surprise!

And….what a great chance to realize again what a great writer Freddie Mercury was….and what a great band Queen is.

I really appreciate what a humble person this guy is, too.

Maybe it’s all an act….but….I doubt it.

I’d like to see the nice guy win.

I’d like to see the talented guy win.

I hope that somebody who feels like a real person….like Alejandro….can win this thing.

Of course….I’m too cool to actually watch this show….but….if I wasn’t too cool….I’d like to see the quiet artist win it all.

That would be cool.



Axle Shaft U-Joint….Jeep Cherokee

Clicking…popping….weird and bad noises.

That’s not a good thing when the rest of the Jeep is getting closer to being “dialed in”.

When you can crawl under the beast and diagnose the problem without a….problem….it makes things easier to know how and what to fix.

I have a bad u-joint.

So….I’ll pull the hub….pull the axle….and replace the joint.


I’ve done it before, too, so it shouldn’t be a bad job.

Or….at least, it should be a familiarly bad job.

Sometimes when you know what’s coming, the worst job is bearable.

This one should be a piece of cake.

A big ‘ol greasy piece of cake.

I Put My Jeep In Four Wheel Drive….

“Fail” is so relative a term.

I put my Jeep in 4-Wheel Drive the other day to get out of a slippery place in the gravel.


It worked….and I got off the little hill.

I don’t take chances on the mail route.

It’s bad enough when things go according to plan….day after day after day after day after….

Boring is encouraging when excitement adds to my stress.

I am constantly encouraged delivering the mail.


But….I’m thankful for boring.


That’s what it’s all about.

These guys all got stuck because they sought out a situation where they might get stuck.

Just let me get home at the end of the day.

Let me see the end of the endless piles of paper and cardboard.

Let me live.

And….thankyou for FOUR WHEEL DRIVE.

It’s kind of cool.

And….check out another great detail from the video….all these Jeeps seem to be RIGHT HAND DRIVE!!


DO I NEED TO THROW ANOTHER SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE (I know that may not be how to spell it….)?!!

Image result for shrimp on the barbie

The Bee

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There was a bee in my mail Jeep the other day.

That happens a lot.

I’m a bee magnet.

I’m a sitting duck.

But….on the other hand, it’s a beautiful sign of the warmth that Spring brings when the bees are back.

It is….a good thing.

The bee flew around the back of the Jeep….desperate to get out….and, finally, after lowering all the windows and pushing it towards freedom with some of the mail I was preparing to deliver, I got it out of the Jeep and back in the breeze.

Before it flew out, I thought, “this bee is going to sting me because it can’t figure out how to get free….”

How to get free.

Of course, because I have too much time on my hands while I’M DOING MY JOB….I thought that we all tend to want to bite or sting when we panic over how we’re going to escape.

The most agitated and disappointed people are sometimes the angriest over what they perceive as an inability to get “free”.

We’re all living lives of “quiet desperation”, though….right?

We need to get free of the things that agitate us.

We need to get free so that we don’t bite or sting the innocent people around us.

We need to know that we aren’t “trapped”.

It was just a bee.

A bee who wanted desperately to be free.

I need to figure out how to encourage the people around me to realize that they aren’t trapped.

I need to live a life that exhibits the best example of “being free”.

I need to keep my mind limber and expansive and…..free.

I need to set the bees free.


Sounds good to me.

A Stop at Willoughby…..Twilight Zone

Here’s the Twilight Zone episode that John Batdorf was singing about in yesterday’s blog post.

Willoughby sounded pretty great until (SPOILER!! SPOILER!!) I realized you had to die to get there.

That sucks….sort of.

I’m all about escaping crappy bosses and bad situations….but….I don’t want to have to die to get to “Willoughby”.

Die so you can be greeted by some barefoot fisher-boys?


I’ll take the POST OFFICE for now, thankyou very much.

You would think that in the Twilight Zone you could just take some mushroom tea or something and end up in Willoughby.

