björk: human behavior

When you say “recording artist”, people don’t usually mean what they’re saying.

Most music these days just seems to be “product”…produced by people programmed to make music that fits a demographic…with only the goal of making money behind it.

In björk’s case….she’s an artist who happens to express the bulk of her art through music….so…she’s a recording artist.

This is so crazy sonically and visually…so much fun.

I miss making art.

I miss making music.

This is very strange and cool.

I Know a Star…

I brought our Great Pyrenees, Appa, his food this morning and stood out with him for a while…visiting and looking at the sky.

It’s Christmas Day….and the sky is full of stars.

We don’t live in a place without light.

Our neighbor leaves his light on all the time.

But…even with all the light on the ground…the stars were bright.

There was a special star in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born.

I don’t know which star in the sky was the special star.

There are a lot of stars.

“Not knowing” lets me suppose, though, that maybe the special star shines on me, too…and reminds me of what happened in Bethlehem….in a common place…in a manger.

This is the morning of Christmas Day.

I know a star.

Esperanza Spalding: “Overjoyed”

Here’s Esperanza Spalding playing one of my favorite Stevie Wonder songs…

It’s Christmas…and this isn’t really a “Christmas song”….but…isn’t any love song a “Christmas song”?

Maybe it’s OK…overjoyed at the birth of the Christ child and the season that should be celebrating it sounds like a pretty appropriate response…..

bring it back…bring it back…bring…it…back

I love these videos.

I repaired the heater control in the mail jeep this morning…a broken vacuum line…so I have the ability to get the hot air out of my face now.

There’s something pretty exciting about repairing these old vehicles.

If you look up “first start” on YouTube, you’d come up with a lot of these videos.

Don’t scrap it…repair it.

Environmentalism at its finest.

Repair…don’t throw it away.

Anything can be fixed.