If you weren’t into bicycles, this would be horribly boring to watch.
If you were into bicycles, this might be….kind of boring to you, too.
This is a great video, though.
I can’t remember the exact quote….but at the beginning of this video the guy doing it says something about seeing the sport of bicycling move from a fitness based activity to an equipment based activity.
The rest of the video, he talks about how you don’t need to spend a lot of money on a really high-end bike….especially if you’re what he calls a “recreational cyclist”….and describes all the characteristics of the very expensive and the “high value” bikes that’s he’s had experience with.
If your bike is maintained and fits your frame, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get a high-end bike that won’t really improve your biking performance all that much.
Right now, we all have thrift store bikes that we’ve picked up as we find good deals.
You don’t have a lot of help from the sales floor when you buy a thrift store bike.
You don’t have one of the cashiers come back to make sure the frame and components are set up to suit your body and riding style.
Thrift stores, from what I’ve noticed, are pretty far from being a full-service bike shop.
And….thrift stores don’t smell as good as a bike shop, either.
You can buy some good bikes “cheap” if you keep your eyes open, though.
I appreciate videos like this.
This guy lays it all out…real expense….real value.
YouTube….what can’t I learn watching YouTube?
Pretty cool.