Here’s a documentary….or “part of” a documentary (the full film is a Crowdfunding project that hasn’t been completed yet)….about how to carry loads efficiently on a bicycle.
This shouldn’t be something that feels exotic.
I shouldn’t be surprised to see any of this stuff.
We should all have cool bikes that can carry big loads…..after all, this is the 21st CENTURY!!! Why don’t we have flying cars….and bikes that can carry big loads….yet?
I remember having huge metal mesh baskets on my single-speed Murray banana seat bike.
I had a newspaper route when I was 11….and even though it seems like I only had about 25 customers, the bike baskets handled my load just fine.
Except on Sunday.
Sundays were heavy and hard.
These cargo bikes make it look easier than carrying everything in metal baskets.
Riding a bike….so good.