where’s the top?

I’m running again in the morning….running…walking….getting back in to it.

This video isn’t about running…..sort of.

It’s about chasing the cheese.

I had a thought this morning when I was wondering “where’s the top” of the hill I told myself I’d run up.

I told myself that I could stop when I got to the top, and then, in the darkness, I couldn’t figure out where the top was.

I guess nobody really knows where the top is….you just keep running or you pull up short.



Strange funny.

So….that’s my thought:

When we think we’ve finished, we stop….and that’s not always good.

I can’t stop learning….just because I’m not going to school anymore.

I can’t stop running just because I think that I reached the top of the hill.

I can’t stop.

That’s some morning motivation: don’t stop.

Now the hard part– don’t stop WHAT?!

The “what”…is what makes a life.

What’s my what?

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