Bringing it Back in Cincinnati…

Cheap housing in Cincinnati?

Look at the amount of work this guy put into refurbing his Cincinnati home.

Cheap to buy….lots of work to get it to the shape it’s in now.

We bought a gutted house in the mountains….got it back up to speed….and have a nice place now….

But….it’s a lot of work to do that.

This guy did a good job.

With some vision and skill, you can have an interesting place in a lot of these old cities.

What a leap of faith, though.

It takes a real optimistic spirit to take on a project that seems to be beyond saving and bring it back.

I love to see it happen.

Another great Kirsten Dirksen video.

I wonder how she got her start doing this?

That’s a story I’d like to hear.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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