“Rusty Wreck”? You Should Have Seen My Rusty Wreck…

I’m hyper-sensitive to this video for some reason…being a mailman, and all.

Look where the steering wheel is!

It’s all wrong!

It doesn’t look safe to drive on that side of the car!

I had a 67 Beetle that sat in our driveway for years.

My parents were very patient.

To call this driveable Beetle a “rusty wreck” shows me that these people have a different experience with cars than I do.

“Rusty” is when it rattles going down the road….flapping in the wind.

This Beetle looked nice from the start.

I wonder where all the Beetles are these days?

Amateur? Not Anymore….

The title of this one is “Amateur Builder Turns Schoolbus Into GORGEOUS Tiny House: 18 Month Timelapse”.

Looks like a pro to me.

I love to watch videos like this because it reminds me that experience is a good teacher…and, unless you throw yourself into a project, you can’t get any experience.


Getting over the hump of “I don’t know how” isn’t all that big a jump….you just have to try.

This is a really nice build.

This guy started out as an “amateur”…but he now knows what he’s doing.

Good, good, good!

Retired Woman Builds Her Own Tiny House For Affordable Living…

I’m tired of the “tiny house movement”.

It got too trendy….too mainstream, if that’s possible.

I’m tired of people without imagination taking advantage of people who want to glom onto a trend.

I’m tired of it.

And, then, I see a video like this.

There are still people building their own places and taking charge of their lives….being responsible…for the right reasons.

I like this lady.

I know some folks who are getting old enough to retire….and what could be better in retirement than to park an efficient tiny home in a beautiful location?

There are so many ways to live.

This is another great video from Exploring Alternatives.


Paul Loved Linda….

Oh, man.

I remember Linda got slammed by Beatles’ fans before and after the Beatles broke up.

They didn’t like her playing music with her husband.

But…watch this video and wait for the point in the video where she’s playing her solo on Paul’s song, “Jet”.

Look at him look at her.

She was competent…and he was proud of her contribution.

That’s cool.

This was a good song.

Paul loved Linda.

Foresty Forest….Fatbiking the GDMBR

This would tire me out…but it would be a good kind of tired.

I’m tired tonight…but it’s not a good kind of tired.

Today I came back to my job after a week off…. a vacation week of going to the beach and spending the rest of the time repairing Isaac’s car.

I was tired after the vacation…but it was a good kind of tired.

After another in a long run of hard Mondays at the Post Office, I feel like I’m stuck in the “bad tired” zone.

Speaking of “bad tired”….Jenny had a flat today that couldn’t be patched…so we had to buy another tire.

I drove into town to help her get the spare on…and she went to the tire store while I zoomed back to the office to case the mail and try to get out on the route.

It looks good to be bike touring like this.

I wonder if I’ll ever do it?

sand in my eyes…

It would be hard to get through the day if I didn’t bury my head in the sand a little.

I believe that something is happening.

Of course, something is always happening….but…I bethink that something weird is happening.

I drive an old Jeep…everyday….80 miles or so.

I can’t avoid it….it’s my job.

I contribute to the problem.

And….it’s hot.

It’s warmer than ever.

How hot is it going to be?

To deny that this is happening as some sort of weird political alliance is unfortunate.

Bill McKibben has written a lot of books and articles about global warming.

Check him out…..books on Amazon….and his organization 350.org

the wrong truck…

You have to like trucks to watch a video like this.

I looked up “will it run”…and this came up.

This big dude is goofy.

And….goofy is good.

Here’s a truck that he bought at auction….that turned out to be a good truck.

He had to go to the Ford dealership to have a couple of keys made…but the truck ran well when he finally got to fire it up…so I think that he got a good deal.

He said that he must have bought the “wrong truck” when he discovered that everything worked.

I guess that it doesn’t always work out so well when you buy a truck at auction.

I’m fresh off the Neon fix….after a month or so of having the little red car up on jack stands in our driveway….and after some blood, sweat, and….no tears…I got it back together and it ran well.

The more I do the better it goes…confidence is funny like that.

Maybe I’ll start buying cars and trucks at the auction, too?

Now that I know that I can leave a car sitting out in front of our house for months at a time….up on jack stands and obviously not running….it makes it easier to think about having cars sitting around that need work.

This hot, dry weather makes it a whole lot easier, too.

I hate working on stuff in the rain.

I need a big shop.

Auction cars….and a big shop…and a new minivan…and fencing…and a well over at the property…and an HVAC unit…and…lots of money.

And….more coffee.

It’s early.

“Will it run”?

That’s a good question.


Never Do Major Car Repair When Your Young Children Are Within Earshot of Your Potty Mouth.

Finished the Neon this afternoon and, man (!!)….it’s freaking fast!

Timing Belt…rebuilt the head…took it all apart and got it all back together and only had about 5 bolts left over.

And…it ran.

I was kidding about the “fast” part.

I feel so beat up.

Mechanic in the gravel is not a good thing to be if you value being able to function physically.

I am sore.

But…I got it together…timed correctly…torqued to spec…and…it runs pretty smoothly.

Busting my knuckles is a real vocabulary expander, though.

I cuss like a sailor when I’m perplexed and in pain.

Yelling at the SOB of a Neon doesn’t help it get back together.

There’s a cover for the “+” (positive) side of the battery terminals that says “POS”.

I laughed when I saw it….P.O.S, indeed.


Piece of S**T.

That’s not what I should be teaching my children….Daddy in the driveway, laughing his maniac laugh….letting loose with a shotgun blast of profanity when the parts don’t go together without a major shift of a giant conglomeration of metal and plastic.

Sorry, kids.

I’m glad that Neon project is finished for a while.


back, back, back…back from the dead

I’m on the tail end of the Neon repair.

At least….I hope that what I’ve done is a repair.

It’s hard to tell until it’s all back together…full of fluids again…and you turn the key.

The moment of truth.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s something that I drag my heels over….wanting to delay knowing whether or not I did the job correctly.

It keeps me up at night…worrying.

What’s the use of worry, though?

This is fun to watch.

After all the grease and fluids getting all over me, this is fun to watch.

I like seeing someone puzzle through a problem with knowledge, skill and a sense of humor.

I trudge through the muck with profanity, pain, and pessimism.

That doesn’t sound as nice, does it?

Maybe it’s just the sharp gravel and the sun in my eyes that makes my methods so much less appealing?

I’ll start the Neon today.

The Neon will run.

That’s optimism.

I’ll call my video “Abandoned for 7 months….will it run?”.


It’s easier to just tow the broken thing out of your life forever.

I wonder if I’ll ever get to the point where I start out “giving up”?