“Ferocious?! HE’S AN OLD MIDGET!!”

The quote is from an old Norm Macdonald movie called “Screwed”.

I just looked it up and it looks like the critics hated it.

What do they know?!

I loved it.

It’s funny how funny really funny people can be.


And….not “funny strange”, either.

Just funny.

I hadn’t seen this movie for a long time.


So good….with a great cast having fun being silly.

These critics missed the boat again…..this was a funny movie.

I will champion this movie….like I choose to champion the movies “The Ringer” or “Norbit”.

Sometimes great doesn’t have to be good.



What You Do With What You Have….

Here’s another Kirsten Dirksen video….this time about something a little closer to home.

I watched this and thought, “Well! Of course she was able to do something interesting with her life! Look what opportunity she must have grown up with….to be able to play in the river that runs in front of that fine house! Of course she would have done something good with chances like that!”

That was a weird thought.

Says more about me and my insecurities than it does about anything she’s up to.

And, you know? There are lots of privileged and uncreative people in the world who, in spite of all the chances they’re given, never really do anything of value.

Opportunity only has value if you do something with it.

What a great thing to find a calling and produce videos about people who are building and living in exciting ways!

Sometimes people have because of good luck.

Sometimes they “have” because of competence and consistent habit….and a good helping of genuine curiosity in the world they move through.

This is a good looking log house.

I’m glad that she and her family get to spend time there.

It looks like it could be part of a good life.

Good for you.


Bringing it Back in Cincinnati…

Cheap housing in Cincinnati?

Look at the amount of work this guy put into refurbing his Cincinnati home.

Cheap to buy….lots of work to get it to the shape it’s in now.

We bought a gutted house in the mountains….got it back up to speed….and have a nice place now….

But….it’s a lot of work to do that.

This guy did a good job.

With some vision and skill, you can have an interesting place in a lot of these old cities.

What a leap of faith, though.

It takes a real optimistic spirit to take on a project that seems to be beyond saving and bring it back.

I love to see it happen.

Another great Kirsten Dirksen video.

I wonder how she got her start doing this?

That’s a story I’d like to hear.

Student Built Campers in Wyoming

This is another Kirsten Dirksen video…this time about a group of students in Wyoming building small custom campers.

All these Kirsten Dirksen videos are great.

If her name is on it, it’s going to be good….and she’s been doing it for a while so there’s a bunch of them out there.

One thing that was interesting about this video was when the builder was talking about the favorable business situation in Wyoming….no State tax…..

He says that a lot of his business comes from Colorado….but that it’s more favorable for them to be building these trailers in a more business friendly state.

Good stuff to know.

When I Build My House….It’s Gonna Be a Party….

Here’s a really nice video from Jeff Waldman.

When I do a project, I hope it’s like this…a bunch of friends around for the heavy lifting….weiners on the grill.

Usually, though, it’s just Jenny and me when we do a big project.

We repaired the gable end on the old barn…and Jenny was the one up on the ladder….holding theĀ  end of the 2×6 while I screwed it all up from inside the barn.

Of course, I didn’t screw up with my screwing it all up.

We did a good job.

That’s spooky being up high on a ladder.

Jenny can do it.

It’s a party of two when we do our work.

I don’t remember any big crowds around when we were working like that.

I mowed some over on the property yesterday….pushing a mower….getting some exercise.

There are a lot more efficient ways to mow 6 acres than using a push mower.

It does give the neighbors something to talk about, though.

Seeing me out there doing that must be kind of funny.

You work with what you have, I guess.

A party is a fun way to build something.

We have fun working by ourselves….imagine how much fun a party would be!



A buddy mentioned this guy about 30 years ago to me….before my marriage….before the kids came….before anything, really.

It’s funny how things stick in your head.

Flathead….aka Ned Landin.

Here’s an example of a guy that I would stop my walking and give a listen to if I almost passed him in the street….singing his song….playing real good….”for free”.

This is good stuff.

Here’s a link to his website….https://www.nedtv.com/