Man..I love a story about a change of heart…a story about the moment when a life turns from hedonistic self-direction to a life of service.
Now….I’m selfish.
I live for my family.
But…how energizing would it be to find the path that serves the world?
This guy, Scott Harrison, and the organization he founded, Charity:water, is doing what he can to bring fresh drinking water to areas of the world that need it most.
That’s really inspiring.
He is working to make a positive change in the world.
Light the stove, cook something good….go for a hike…cook something good…go to bed.
This life looks good.
And…it’s typical.
My typical day looks different than this.
Usually, I: Wake up too early….drink too much coffee…go to work….work at the PO for 10 or so hours….come home…eat….fall asleep on the couch…wake up…put one of the little guys to bed…wake up too late…go to bed…and…(in the morning)wake up too early …and….repeat.
This life looks like it’s paced a little nicer than mine.
But…what does it say about coveting something that’s a neighbor’s?
You shouldn’t even covet his ass.
That’s not a joke.
My life is good.
I sure would like to cook something nice and then go for a hike sometime, though.
Thanks JB Outdoors for checking out this video. I love this place, this cabin is located on my friend’s ranch and I had the good fortune of being the caretaker during the winter of 2017, 2018. I’m currently camping in the snow near Strawberry, AZ. Love it down here, this place is great. Have a great evening! ~ Brian)
I need to make a video of my vacation….and then remember that it’s a typical day of my life.