The Work-Around…Build the New Around the Old…


This is pretty ingenious….build the new around the old when told that you couldn’t build on the property unless you preserved the 300 year old cabin that was already on the property.

Rules are funny, though.

How much would it have been to revive the old structure?

It was pretty far gone.

History is a fluid thing…new replaces old all the time.

I guess that this accomplishes what they needed to do…in an unexpected way.

Another great Kirsten Dirksen video.

(When I watch this video, I’m reminded of what I find when I repair things in our old house. The only difference is that we covered up a lot of the old stuff when we fixed our place up. Maybe we should have just left it all exposed and built a new shell around the whole thing?)

this side of your face….

I don’t have a really well developed fantasy life.

Maybe I should say that I don’t pursue a lot of violent fantasies.

I don’t think about getting even very often.

But….if I did…I think that when the fan is getting hit hard at work I’d ponder how it would feel to put my right foot on “this side of your face”.

That would be satisfying to state my reaction with such quiet and definitive power.

I’d like that.





Right in the kisser…or slightly offset.


Canon Rock….Jerry C cover by Laura

Isaac and Nate and I went to Guitar Center so that Isaac could screw around on some keyboards and I could look at all the used guitars.

I didn’t hear anybody this good playing yesterday.

I did hear a lot of folks screwing around with their amps turned up….noisy as heck and hard to be around.

It would be hard to work at a Guitar Center.

I don’t know if I could stand the noise.

Maybe it’s just an “old man” talking?

I don’t know who Laura is…but I do know she wasn’t at Guitar Center yesterday.

If she was, though, some kid would have been blasting Smoke on the Water at 7 or 8.

I probably couldn’t have been able to tell if a good player was around.

Guitar Center is kind of obnoxious.

Rory Gallagher…

I’ve read a lot of articles about Rory Gallagher….but never listened to his music.

I wonder why?

He definitely deserved some attention….


It’s interesting to see players who just “play”….and play well.

I don’t know what music to trust sometimes in these days of autotune and digital manipulation.

Saw this book today at the book store…don’t know much about it at this point….

Image result for neil young book

I have a feeling that Neil has something to say about “digital manipulation” in this book.

We need real music made by real humans.


Resoling a Pair of Redwing 877 Boots….

I’m not sure if I appreciate the style….but I do appreciate the skill.

This is a short video about a resole job on an old pair of Red Wing boots…replacing the worn out wedge sole with a stacked heel (stacked heel? Is that what they call that style?) sole.

People get paid to do so many things that don’t require any skill or craft.

It’s good to see something like this every once and a while.

Good job….


Leland Sklar

I wonder how many of the albums that I loved in the 70’s and 80’s featured this guy playing bass?

Probably a lot of them did.

Leland Sklar!

What a great bassist.

Of course, it might have just been the beard.

You always knew when he shared the stage….not many had a beard like that.

I saw him play with James Taylor once.

Good stuff….

Good interview.

Making Vincent Smile…

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait

We went to a Vincent Van Gogh exhibit down in Columbia, SC today.

I get the impression that Vincent wasn’t a real party animal.

He seemed kind of “intense” or something.


My fantasy while I stared at this painting was sitting down with him to share a couple of glasses of absinthe and making him laugh his pants off.

The pants coming off weren’t part of the fantasy.

That’s just a figure of speech.

The fantasy part was making him laugh.

Or, at least, smile.

I guess it’s kind of like Hitler.

What if somebody told him early on that his art was GREAT?!

He might have been nicer to folks.

Anyway….Vincent wouldn’t have been who he was if things had been easier for him.

Who creates great art if they don’t get tortured….at least a little?

That would have been cool to make him smile.

Even the most tortured of souls should laugh every once in a while.