Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. Arthur Shopenhauer Arggghhh…driving the mail 6 days a week is too challenging. I don’t mean that it’s a job I can’t do….nothing like … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
We feed the ducks at Lake Julian. It’s the lake where this plant is. It’s the lake with the signs that say something like “No Swimming. No Wading.” etc. We always wondered just what the heck they produced at that … Continue reading
I think mailmen must be like farmers. My life is becoming more and more ruled by the weather. It’s not a case of bad weather ever stopping me from getting out and sliding around on the roads…it’s just a matter … Continue reading
“Say…have you heard anything about five day delivery?” That’s my new running joke that I ask customers out on the mail route these days. It’s pretty hilarious. We (Postal workers) are always the last to know. I have to watch … Continue reading
(this isn’t a picture of my jeep…it just made me wonder how big a tire I could put on mine if I chopped some stuff and put a lift kit on it? I could be a stylin’ mailman, for sure….) … Continue reading
Coming up with something to write about in the morning before the coffee has finished brewing is harder sometimes than it should be. And then something like a meteorite hits Russia and “boom”….instant topic. It’s strange if something as earth-shaking … Continue reading
http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ Man…there is so much good, fun stuff out in the interworld. It’s pretty amazing. Doing some research for a post about Joe Dominguez and “Your Money or Your Life”, I ran across this guy’s blog. It’s a blog about … Continue reading
(this isn’t my Jeep…but it looks like it..we live out in the country….deep in the woods…so this isn’t my mail Jeep…just one that looks like it. I’m just sayin’) My old Jeep Cherokee was making a strange noise on the … Continue reading
Back in the late 80’s, I bought an audio tape course called Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence. It was a course taught by Joe Dominguez about our relationship with money and things…and about how to … Continue reading
For a while, I was obsessed with surfing. I don’t know how or why it happened. Maybe it was the sustained excitement of a perfect little wave caught bodysurfing on the coast of North Carolina. Maybe it was one of … Continue reading