the game of saving


Listen to these guys!

They know what they’re talking about!

Living out in the woods…saving a bunch of money…living the good life but not spending a bunch of money.

And….the plan is a good and achievable one….save the money so that you can live on very little….and not have the demands of a high paying job that supports your high consumption lifestyle.

I love this.

And….check out their new book:

(from the YouTube description….)

A software engineer and professional fundraiser in Boston decided four years ago to purge some of their consumerist habits to save more than 70 percent of their salaries. The result was a big move to rural Vermont and the release this month of the book, “Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living.” NewsHour Weekend’s Christopher Booker reports.

(A short PS….later: It turns out that this “average family” makes quite a bit of money….over 200,000….per year….so….they aren’t really all that average. Too bad. I guess that you could save some money if your needs could be met with a “small percentage” of a really big pile of money. )

Oh well…I do like the idea…even if the reality is different from the story.

Read some of the reviews of the book on Amazon…..

I should have done more background checking before celebrating this story….

Darn it.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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