(this isn’t a picture of my jeep…it just made me wonder how big a tire I could put on mine if I chopped some stuff and put a lift kit on it? I could be a stylin’ mailman, for sure….) … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Coming up with something to write about in the morning before the coffee has finished brewing is harder sometimes than it should be. And then something like a meteorite hits Russia and “boom”….instant topic. It’s strange if something as earth-shaking … Continue reading
http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ Man…there is so much good, fun stuff out in the interworld. It’s pretty amazing. Doing some research for a post about Joe Dominguez and “Your Money or Your Life”, I ran across this guy’s blog. It’s a blog about … Continue reading
(this isn’t my Jeep…but it looks like it..we live out in the country….deep in the woods…so this isn’t my mail Jeep…just one that looks like it. I’m just sayin’) My old Jeep Cherokee was making a strange noise on the … Continue reading
Back in the late 80’s, I bought an audio tape course called Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence. It was a course taught by Joe Dominguez about our relationship with money and things…and about how to … Continue reading
For a while, I was obsessed with surfing. I don’t know how or why it happened. Maybe it was the sustained excitement of a perfect little wave caught bodysurfing on the coast of North Carolina. Maybe it was one of … Continue reading
Here are 6 out of a million …ways to say it. Happy Valentines Day! … Continue reading
http://money.cnn.com/pf/america-boomtown/ Another frackin’ article…it’s just too darn interesting. Zipping around in google, I find a lot of articles about fracking. It’s a pretty divisive technology. Some people just hate it…think (probably justifiably so) that it has a lot of potential … Continue reading
http://fracfocus.org/chemical-use/what-chemicals-are-used I’ve been writing some of my recent blog posts about the process of fracking…drilling down and then across to extract oil or natural gas from deposits deep in the earth. This post, I thought I’d write about the chemicals … Continue reading
Here’s a link to a video about what is possible within the Postal system….. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50140679n We talk about 5 day delivery…we talk about closing this or that plant down…but when it comes down to it, I think the only thing … Continue reading